- #List of components available in optisystem software software#
- #List of components available in optisystem software code#
- #List of components available in optisystem software password#
We conducted a cross-domain anonymous survey with industry practitioners involved in component selection. The objective of this study is to investigate what matters the most to industry practitioners when they decide to select a component. However, there is little available research on what attributes of a component are the most important ones when selecting new components.
#List of components available in optisystem software software#
Different component sourcing options are available, such as: (1) Software developed internally (in-house), (2) Software developed outsourced, (3) Commercial off-the-shelf software, and (4) Open-Source Software. JButton fileDialogBtn = new JButton(“Select File”) įileDialogBtn.Component-based software engineering is a common approach in the development and evolution of contemporary software systems. JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser() This component lets a user select a file from the local system. JFileChooser class renders a file selection utility.
#List of components available in optisystem software code#
The above code sets Sydney as the default selected option. The default selected option can be specified through the setSelectedIndex method. JComboBox cities = new JComboBox(cityList) JComboBox class is used to render a dropdown of the list of options. If multiple selections is to be allowed, set the behavior to MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION. The selection restriction is set to SINGLE_SELECTION. The above code renders a list of cities with 5 items in the list. This select behavior is defined in the code by the developer.ĭefaultListItem cityList = new DefaultListItem() ĬtSelectionModel(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION) A user can select a value or multiple values from the list. JList component renders a scrollable list of elements. The default selected option is set to Easy. This ensures that only one option out of the available options in the group can be selected at a time. All three elements are then added to the group. The above code creates a button group and three radio button elements. JRadioButton rb3 = new JRadioButton(“Hard”) JRadioButton rb2 = new JRadioButton(“Medium”) JRadioButton rb1 = new JRadioButton(“Easy”, true) A user can select one choice from the group.īuttonGroup radioGroup = new ButtonGroup() JRadioButton is used to render a group of radio buttons in the UI. True means the check-box is defaulted to on state. It is a boolean value that indicates the default state of the check-box. Notice the second parameter in the constructor. It returns a checkbox with the label Show Help. When selected, the state is on and a small tick is displayed in the box.ĬheckBox chkBox = new JCheckBox(“Show Help”, true) JCheckBox renders a check-box with a label. The getPassword method gets the value entered by the user.
#List of components available in optisystem software password#
It returns a password field of 15 column width. JPasswordField pwdField = new JPasswordField(15) This is used for inserting passwords into the application. It renders a text-box that masks the user input text with bullet points. JPasswordField is a subclass of JTextField class. The above code renders a multi-line text-area of height 5 rows and width 20 columns, with default text initialized in the text-area. JTextArea txtArea = new JTextArea(“This text is default text for text area.”, 5, 20) It does not restrict the number of characters that the user can input in the text-area. The constructor for JTextArea also expects two integer parameters which define the height and width of the text-area in columns. Similar to the JTextField, a user can input non-formatted text in the field. JTextArea class renders a multi-line text box. It renders a text box of 20 column width. It does not limit the number of characters that can be input in the box. This parameter sets the width of the box measured by the number of columns. To initialize the text field, call its constructor and pass an optional integer parameter to it. A user can input non-formatted text in the box. JTextField renders an editable single-line text box. This constructor returns a label with text. JLabel textLbl = new JLabel(“This is a text label.”) JLabel class is used to render a read-only text label or images on the UI. It returns a button with the home icon and text Home. JButton btn2 = new JButton(homeIcon, “Home”) It returns a button with a homeIcon on it.